4 Easy First Day of Preschool Photo Ideas

Cute ways to celebrate your little one's milestone.

Let's face facts: the first day of school is a BIG DEAL! So allow us to help you celebrate it with these easy first day of preschool photo ideas.

And don't worry, you don't need to be a professional photographer to make these first day of school photos pop; just a little creativity, some good outdoor lighting and your already adorable child.

Don't believe me? Just check out these 14 tips for taking incredible iPhone pictures of your children.

And yes, you can use a traditional camera too, you just won't be able to post those first day of preschool photos on social media as quickly. 

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Here are some first day of school ideas we love:

Easy First Day of Preschool Photo Ideas

1. Hold Up a Sign

Years ago I created a First Day of School printables round-up to use for back to school photos. Why re-invent the wheel? There are so many creative bloggers and designers out there that have already created signs, and all you have to do is print them. Some are even customizable. My kids aren't preschoolers anymore, but they're still cute in my book.

2. Hold Up a Chalk Board

Instead of printing something or buying a new sign for each first and last day of school you'll be celebrating over the next 12+ years, why not invest in a chalkboard? In fact, you could even get a small one from the dollar store. Want the look without the chalk? Try something below like I found at HoneyBrushDesign.

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3. Hold Up a Balloon

Yes, your best back to preschool picture just may be of your toddler holding out a balloon in front of them. You can either print out letters, use stickers or simply write on the balloon with a Sharpie. Design Improvised has an adorable example with stickers below.

4. Create a List of Favorites

Another version of the above is to personalize a list of your child's favorite things, as well as details about the upcoming school year. This can be done on a sign, chalkboard, or even purchased from somewhere like Etsy, as seen below.

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Whatever it is you decide to do to celebrate your child's first day of preschool, the point is to do exactly that, celebrate it!

Do you have any cute ideas for first day of preschool photos? If so, we'd love for you to share them below. 

Sami Cone

Sami Cone

Best-Selling Author & Speaker

Sami Cone is the best-selling author of "Raising Uncommon Kids", is known as the "Frugal Mom" on Nashville's top-rated talk show "Talk of the Town" and educates over a million listeners every day on her nationally syndicated "Family Money Minute". She is proud to call Nashville home with her husband, Rick, and their two ‘tweenage' children.

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