An Unexpected Pint-Sized Bathroom Visitor Goes Viral

You never know just who you'll meet in Chick-fil-A!

When a Virginia teenager went to use the Chick-fil-A bathroom, he never could have guessed what would have happened next.

A four-year-old boy crawled under the stall and began talking to him!

Seemingly in need of help washing his hands, young Levi didn't let a locked stall door get in his way.

He proceeded to crawl under the door and begin talking to Andrew, who captured (almost) everything on Twitter video while still sitting, well, you know where.

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When Levi realized he wasn't going to get the help he needed, he excused himself by opening the door and then telling Andrew to lock it. (Though that obviously didn't help him the first time!).

Levi's mother later went on Twitter to say she was without her husband at the popular restaurant chain when she told her young son to go wash his hands. He ran ahead of her into the men's room instead of the women's, but she assumed he was fine when she heard him talking and asking for help. 

Little did she know what was going on inside!

Luckily, it all ended well and we once again get to witness the reckless abandon and boldness with which kids live their lives. Perhaps this Chick-fil-A will be installing longer doors in the near future.

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Sami Cone

Sami Cone

Best-Selling Author & Speaker

Sami Cone is the best-selling author of "Raising Uncommon Kids", is known as the "Frugal Mom" on Nashville's top-rated talk show "Talk of the Town" and educates over a million listeners every day on her nationally syndicated "Family Money Minute". She is proud to call Nashville home with her husband, Rick, and their two ‘tweenage' children.

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