5 Tips on How to Bathe Your Baby Safely

Have you thought through your bathtime routine?

With a few no-nonsense rules you’ll be on your way to enjoying baby’s bath.

When parents bring their newborn home from the hospital, many wonder how to bathe baby safely without the help and supervision of nurses.

As a new parent, one of your first instincts is to protect your baby. You’ll hold him close, watch him get a full check-up, and ask a multitude of questions.

Making sure baby’s safe is sometimes obvious. Such as choosing the best car seat for your baby or deciding how best to babyproof your house. Yet many parts of your daily routine will include safety aspects you might not have thought through fully.

Bathtime may be one of these. With a few no-nonsense rules and some products to help you out, you’ll both be on your way to enjoying baby’s nightly bath.

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5 Tips on How to Bathe Your Baby Safely

1. Be Prepared

As bathtime approaches, it’s time to make a game plan. Are you bathing baby alone or do you have a helper? If you’re alone, it’s important to make sure you have everything you’ll need within reach.

Start by gathering your supplies.

I always use two baby towels, as it makes swaddling a squirmy and slippery newborn easier. Next I grab several washcloths, one to wash and several to cover baby up so he stays warm. And finally, I choose baby shampoo, looking for a wash that doesn’t contain harmful chemicals.

2. Focus, Focus, Focus

While it may seem like a no-brainer, minimizing distractions during bath time is key.

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You might have grabbed your phone to snap a picture of your cutie’s first bath but when you’re done, it needs to go away...completely away. Distractions in the form of technology, other children, or even questions from a well-meaning spouse can make the difference between an engaged adult and a disengaged one.

I once heard that drowning is a quiet event. Unlike the movie portrayal of splashing and screaming, drowning is deceptively quiet. While I often apply this knowledge when swimming with baby, I’m reminded to be diligent while bathing baby as well.

My eyes are always on baby and I do not leave his side. Phone calls, the doorbell, even fighting children all wait until baby is done bathing. This is non-negotiable and a necessary house rule.

3. Just-Right Temperature

Just as Goldilocks was looking for porridge at just the right temperature, you’ll soon be an expert at finding the perfect temperature bathwater.

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While each of my babies have had a slightly different water temperature preference, using a bath thermometer is a great way to ensure that water is within an accepted range.

4. Little Baby, Little Bath

While I don’t think every type of baby gear is necessary, having a baby bathtub is on our list of must-haves.

Baby bathtubs come in all shape and sizes, from simple bathtubs to complex ones, and allow you to keep your hands free to help wash and stabilize baby.

Some baby baths can sit right in the big tub or on the kitchen counter but our favorite is one that rests inside the kitchen sink. This puts baby at the perfect height to easily wash without awkward bending and reaching.

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5. Big Baby, Big Tub

As baby grows and is able to sit independently, moving to the big tub will give her more freedom to spread out. We also add a few pieces of gear to make sure baby is safe in the big tub.

If baby moves a lot, a water spout cover will help to protect her head from injury. A shampoo rinser will help to keep soap out of baby’s eyes. A secure stool or tubside seat makes it easier for parents to stay by baby’s side.

Decide what ways you can keep baby safe at bath and practice that every time. Before you know it, you’ll be confident and comfortable with your bathtime routine and ready to laugh along with your little splasher.

How do you make sure baby is safe during bath time?

Jess Wartinger

Jess Wartinger

Jess Wartinger resides in rural New York with her husband and five children. Formerly an early elementary teacher, Jess currently spends her time loving her kids and holding down the fort at home.

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